Monday, November 10, 2008

My First Attempt at Creating eBook Covers

I was catching up on some tweets this afternoon when I came across one that asked if anyone was interested in creating two ebook covers in exchange for a free copy of the book. Wanting to try something new, I replied to the author and asked if I could give it a shot. I never really mentioned that I was not a graphic artist, or that I had absolutely no experience in creating ebook covers.

The author did include the requirements for the covers:

width 150px
height 200px
black border 1px
shadow on lower right
Title and Author name

I found some good stock pictures at stock.xchnge. After an hour of fiddling with Paint Shop Pro I came up with these:

I really don't expect anything out of it but it was fun to try. I'll be waiting patiently for the author to contact me back with a yea or nay.

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